Grevillea robusta Cunn.  


                                                                                 Protea Family


Queensland, New S. Wales 

Silk Oak

                                         May Photo 


Plant Characteristics: Robust tree sometimes attaining 150 ft., but known in the North only as a greenhouse plant 2-5 ft. high; young branches hoary or rusty-tomentose; lvs. 2- pinnatifid, the secondary lobes entire or again lobed, lanceolate, the margins recurved, silky beneath; fls. orange, in secund racemes 3-4 in. long which are solitary or several together on short leafless branches of the old wood; ovary glabrous, stipitate; style long, fruit broad, very oblique, about .75 inch long.


Habitat:  Grown out-of-doors in warm countries and a pot plant further north.  (Bailey 345).  Grows in poor compact soils if not over watered. Brittle, easily damaged in high wind. Thrives in heat. Young trees freeze at 24 degrees F., older plants hardy to 16 degrees F.  Good temporary tree while you wait for slower, tougher-wooded tree to grow up. (Sunset Editors, New Western Garden Book, 1984 p.315).


Name:  Grevillea: After Charles F. Greville, once vice president of the Royal Society of England, and a patron of botany in the early part of the 19th century. (Bailey 345).   Latin, robustus, oaken, strong, robust.  (Jaeger 123).


General:    Rare in study area with only one plant known and this in Santa Ana Heights, at marsh level and almost directly below the Cox property, the last home on Mesa Dr.  This is an immature tree about 9-10 ft. tall.  Nearer the Cox property are one large and two smaller trees that were planted and irrigated by Mr. Cox, which, being irrigated, puts them outside my study area.  These latter trees provide the photographs of the flowers and seeds.  (my comments).        Perhaps 200 species mostly native in Australia.  (Bailey 345).


Text Ref:  Bailey 345.

Photo Ref:  Feb 05 # 5,6; April-May 05 # 17,18.

Identity: by R. De Ruff, confirmed by John Johnson.

First Found:  February 2005.


Computer Ref:  Plant Data 558.

Have plant specimen.

Last edit. 8/11/05.


                   July Photo                                              February Photo                                         February Photo