About 75 genera and probably 3,000 species of woody plants, as now defined, with aromatic fragrance, native in the tropics, particularly in tropical America and Australia; many grown for ornament, park and avenue trees in warm regions, and some for edible fruits; one of the distinctive families.  Leaves usually opposite, persistent, thick and mostly entire, short-petioled, exstipulate, more or less pellucid-punctate; flowers bisexual, regular, solitary in the axils or in corymbs or racemes, usually bracted; receptacle or calyx-tube more or less adnate to the ovary and often elongated, the 4-5 sepals usually free, persistent on fruit; petals 4-5, imbricated, or rarely lacking; or partially united; ovary inferior, 1-many-celled, with 1 to many ovules in each cell, the style simple; fruit a berry, drupe, capsule or nut.  (Bailey 724).


Upper Newport Bay genera within the Family:


Callistemon citrinus

Callistemon viminalis

Eucalyptus globulus

Eucalyptus maculata var. citriodora

Eucalyptus megacornuta

Eucalyptus species

Eugenia paniculata

Melaleuca elliptica